Produced in Partnership with Ashtar Command and the Legions of Light 4X9D7-9X30184_41-Y
Learn to Read the Map:
Our world is build on hierarchical systems of power, control, cults, and controllers. This food chain of power extends all the way off planet, and beyond the dimensions that we can visually perceive.
Many versions of such "Power Pyramids" have been created in the past by other authors, but this "World Hierarchy Pyramid" aims to be the most comprehensive illustration of hierarchy ever created.
Judaeo Christian and Gnostic conceptions of the higher realms are presented in contrast to each other on either side of the peak of the pyramid.
The names and terminology of these two incongruent mythologies may also have analogous counterparts in Eastern philosophies.
This rigid hierarchical system, which is a modern day caste system derived from more ancient ones, runs in diametric opposition to the concept of Individ- ual Freedom, and the so-called "American Dream". It is a world built on Blood Oaths of Silence, and mass deception.
One may escape this system, however, simply by reclaiming their own sovereignty, and their birthright granted by God.
Malicious forces achieve dominion most easily by persuading subservient beings into offering their consent to be dominated. A disobedient Slave can quickly become a dire liability.
Free Will is a universal principle, but one must not forget that even God's "Natural World" can be just as savage and unforgiving as Satan's Hell Matrix.
Tier 1 (Bronze), General Population:
The ignorant masses live out their lives in a totally unaware dream-like state, enhanced by psychoactive medications, and highly developed EMF based behavioral modification technologies (5G).
Humanity suffers from mass MK-Ultra at the hands of intelligence agencies, and the secret clubs controlling them. The Normie, who actually believes what he sees on TV, perceives the highest level of ruling authority to be the UN. Propaganda is not questioned. This aggregate is considered livestock to the carnivorous reptilian extraterrestrials, and hybrid noble families.
Tier 2 (Silver), Secret Societies & Think Tanks:
The secret World Order is divided into two wings. Hexagon Group, comprised of the Freemasons and Khazarian Mafia,
- controls the Political, Financial, Scientific, Educational, and Media realms.
- Octagon Group is the fortification of Hexagon Group; Its military "Strong Arm." Orders of Knighthoods stemming from the Templars and Knights of Malta fill their ranks, now decorated with high military titles, and in possession of nuclear launch codes.
Both Groups work towards the New World Order.
"Special Nations," Israel and Switzerland are safe-harbors for these globalist white collar criminals, who secretly worship Baal as they claim to have the authority to create international law.
Tier 3 (Gold),
Priesthoods & Bloodlines:
Who curates the mind control exerted over the most powerful cults in the world? The Priesthoods. The Leaders of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
There are older cults preceding these, for a King is believed to be anointed by God, and ancient Priest Kings were studied adepts in the dark arts.
Covens of Warlocks and Witches lurk in the darkest shadows of the royal ranks.
Titles of Nobility are a perquisite to hold any authority in navigating Mankind.
There is a degree of contested supremacy between the Jesuit Venetian, Islamic, and Asian Dragon royal factions.
Tier 4 (Tektite),
Cults are formed around closely guarded pacts and covenants with Off-World entities, who often share guidance or technology with those whom they select to lead humanity.
These Off-Worlders come as both solid flesh and bone beings, as well as astral, and etheric spirits.
Among these, there are ones who have lost contact with Source, and live by vampirizing other life forms.
They create systems of enslavement through mind control, law-fair, and numbers.
There is a higher authority; God's Army comprised of Angels, but where Universal Light and Dark meet, Spiritual Battle ensues.
TIER 5 (Aether),
Angelic Realm:
God is the Unknowable Supreme Being.
The One that the Lower Gods claim to be, but are not.
God is the Light. He who giveth Life, for Satan is that which taketh away.
God inhabits all lifeforms and minerals in his kingdom at all times.
In God's audience are high orders of beings composed of eyes, tetramorphic heads and layers feathered wings.
Wheels within wheels spin in His presence, opening portals into all timelines for God to see.
This is an incomprehensible realm, many orders of dimension higher than that which you experience in the 3D.
Chessboard World:
The Simulation
This entire power structure is built with the same basic pieces as a Chessboard.
King, Queen, Bishops, Knights, Rooks, and Pawns.
Is our reality simply a game of 5D Chess to beings in higher realms, looking for entertainment?
What does the King who has everything do to occupy himself, and insure his own longevity?
He builds checkerboards, starts battles, and delves deeper into magick, the art of illusion.
Who ranks above the King?
It is He who is playing the game itself!
If our world is a simulation, projected by means of advanced technology, there would still necessarily be a world beyond that, where such technology was created.
There is dark and light on all levels of the Hyperdimensional Time-Cube Prism.
Our world at present is transitioning from being Dark Dominated for the past several thousand years, since Atlantis, to being Light dominated for an extended period.
A Golden Age is upon us, with new Leaders, not rulers, anointed by God, and the Chessmaster, Satan and his minions will be relegated back to their own simulation world.
I place my seal upon these words.
True. This is how it is.
Your title has a couple spelling errors:
World Hirachy By Deepstate mapping peoject. Add E to spell Hierarchy and change E to R to spell Project. You spelled both words right just below the title.